Before the March


Last weekend (from memory – ive been struck down with the flu…perhaps man flu even) we found ourselves amongst a gathering of protestors, protesting against the Israeli ground invasion of Gaza.

I think we got there just before it really warmed up volume wise. Here’s a few shots.


As I write this post, I hear an announcement over the radio that Israel has agreed to a 12 hour ceasefire (after disagreeing to a week long one). Any war is a terrible thing. This one seems to have too many of its deaths inflicted on children.


Foggy Football

foggy football 1

Things have been busy lately, and shooting images has taken a back step to most other things. Waking up this morning however, I took the advantage of the heavy blanket of fog to go for a stroll with my Ricoh GRD. It seems like an age since I last used it! Morning football/soccer was on with the little tikes playing first. The poor kids – when I first arrived, they couldn’t even see the other end of their field. Some of these lil’uns struggled enough to kick the ball, let alone get lost on the field looking for it!

foggy football2 foggy football3 foggy football4 foggy football5

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