Weekend Fog

Late morning one weekend the fog had not cleared, yet the sun was high in the sky. Made for some interesting well lit but limited view scenery.

Foggy Football

foggy football 1

Things have been busy lately, and shooting images has taken a back step to most other things. Waking up this morning however, I took the advantage of the heavy blanket of fog to go for a stroll with my Ricoh GRD. It seems like an age since I last used it! Morning football/soccer was on with the little tikes playing first. The poor kids – when I first arrived, they couldn’t even see the other end of their field. Some of these lil’uns struggled enough to kick the ball, let alone get lost on the field looking for it!

foggy football2 foggy football3 foggy football4 foggy football5

Its All Golden

Its All Golden

From the same ‘reel’ and almost the same shot as posted about a month ago. I just love the light that foggy morning had.

The Journey Down

The drive downWork took me down south to Hamilton. Leaving early we headed down the pre-rush hour(s) jam and into the Waikato region. Heading down the Bombay Hill – marking the edge of Auckland, we dove into the depth of fog still blanketing this lower region and continued on our way past Huntly and towards Hamilton. The sun was breaking through fog and clouds in the distance, offering a wonderful early morning view.


The Fog

The FogNeither the 1980 or its 2005 cinema remake, ‘The Fog’ was simply my journey to work this morning. Not quite as thick as it has been some previous days, it was still thick enough at this high point of the journey to envelop the background in its cold wet hold.

Shot on the Ricoh GRD IV, converted and cropped in Gimp.


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